
Saturday, March 22, 2014

This article link sent to us by a reader

Here is a link to an interesting article that was sent to us by a blog reader here.

The link comes from Bullion Baron. 

This article talks directly about the concept of a reset and also offers a more hopeful outlook than you sometimes see related to this topic. We like the article because it encourages people to be aware of potential change that may be coming, but not to fear it. Instead, by being as informed as possible, develope a personal "Plan B" to use if ever needed. 

Here is a key section of the article:

"The results of their experiments show that some of the very clear trends which exist today– unsustainable resource consumption, and economic stratification that favors the elite– can very easily result in collapse.In fact, they write that “collapse is very difficult to avoid and requires major policy changes.”
This isn’t exactly good news.
But here’s the thing– between massive debts, deficits, money printing, war, resource depletion, etc., our modern society seems riddled with these risks.And history certainly shows that dominant powers are always changing. Empires rise and fall. The global monetary system is always changing. The prevailing social contract is always changing.
But there is one FAR greater trend across history that supercedes all of the rest… and that trend is the RISE of humanity.
Human beings are fundamentally tool creators. We take problems and turn them into opportunities. We find solutions. We adapt and overcome.
The world is not coming to an end. It’s going to reset. There’s a huge difference between the two."

my added comments: 
This article dovetails very well with what Jim Rickards talks about. When the word "collapse" is used, there is a natural tendency for that concept to cause fear. However, when you understand what is meant by "collapse" (an end to a current system that leads to a new system) it is easier to deal with and work on how to adapt to change. As this article notes, humans are usually pretty good at this. The more informed we are, the better we can prepare to adapt as need be. All very good ideas in our view. Get an idea of what the worst case scenario could be and have a plan to deal with that. Then hope you never have to use it.  We will try to watch for things here that could lead to the kind of major changes talked about in this article and by Jim Rickards and others. Reader tips to relevant articles like this are always appreciated.

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