
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Thank You Note to Readers

This is just a short post to say thank you to readers here. I don't know exactly how large the audience is for this blog day to day, but the quality of the readers here is off the charts. I get many outstanding emails with great comments and questions (some for Dr. Warren Coats are posted here). I get readers who are extra eyes and ears and send me links to excellent articles I would otherwise miss. 

This blog is just a hobby for me as I have a full time job and I can only work on this at nights or on weekends so I can't always get to all the articles I receive and do a blog article on them quickly. But I very much appreciate all the tips I get along with experts who will answer my questions by email when they have time.

All of this greatly improves the quality of the information I can post here. I will add that all the experts who help me out do so simply out of their desire to help the readers here get good information. Even though they are very busy and their time is valuable, they still donate their time to help me out on your behalf. I can't thank them and all readers here enough!

1 comment:

  1. I wrote a paper for a post-graduate economics class "What is Gross National Product?!" I had difficulty finding anything about this. The International Monetary Fund, The United Nations, and the World Bank were my best and almost only sources. I think the best definition I found was for a country to measure an economic endeavor's net benefit to the capital worth of its country. If it produces smog, toxic wastes, etc. the cost of cleaning these up would be subtracted from the benefit. Many policies are enacted as a percentage of GNP. To be financially accurate, I think the costs of waging war should be subtracted from GNP. If a country is technically advanced and exports weapons systems, the income from this would count as an addition to that country's capital wealth. Likely, the IMF definition of products that qualify for SDRs is a most internationally pure definition; because domestic wealth in stationary real estate, etc. cannot be exported. Seems to me, if the world again experiences a credit crunch similar to 2008, that continued out of control, the only international financial game in town might be SDR's!

    In publicly held companies, when the sky is the limit for executive salaries, the theories of competition and trickle down no longer work properly. And these costs increase the price of their products and are a tax to their customers. If stockholders overpay their CEOs then maybe corporate income should be taxed. Possibly CEO's should receive a base salary equal to the total of what the top 15% of their employees make, divided by the number of employees; but with a small added percentage of company profits that totals a maximum percentage of their base salary. Post by Adrian Zolkover
