
Thursday, December 21, 2017

Jim Rickards -- Why He Views Gold as Money

Recently Jim Rickards gave a presentation explaining why he views gold as money. This speech is only about 30 minutes, is easy to follow, and covers a lot of ground in a short time frame. It is worth your time for sure and also may be worthwhile for someone wanting to learn some basic economic concepts.


Here is a second video discussion recorded in mid December

This one looks ahead to 2018 on the markets, N. Korea, and Bitcoin

News note: Yahoo runs this article noting that global debt is still a matter of concern for the IMF and many others who monitor things like that. Here is one quote from the article:

"A wave of failures and defaults on bonds could then quickly pull the rug out from under the global economy.
"It's a serious subject," said one debt specialist on condition of anonymity."
Global debt and related derivatives continue to be one of the potential "snowflakes" that could trigger an avalanche that Jim Rickards talks about in his discussions on the current financial and monetary system. Another one is how North Korea is resolved in 2018. Jim has not changed his forecast that war is the most likely probability at this time, but has pushed his time frame back some to mid 2018 in this recent interview.

While on the topic of North Korea, it appears all is not well with relations between China and North Korea. This article in the South China Morning Post has a sub heading that says:


  1. Excellent videos from Rickards and well reasoned. Thanks

  2. Hyperledger fabric blockchain SDR being developed by IMF. Interesting.
