
Monday, October 1, 2018

Way Off Topic - Search for the Good

This post will be somewhat different and certainly way off the main topic of this blog. In trying to cover the topic of potential monetary system reform, you run across a lot of potentially discouraging news and information. It seems that many believe that any major change we might see to our present monetary system will come from the arrival of some new horrific future major financial crisis. There is nothing fun about trying to learn about the potential for such an event and then trying to provide information to help others learn what to watch for and then what solutions might be available to deal with such a crisis if one does arrive some day. 

On top of that, in order to try and stay informed on the relevant issues, you are pretty much forced to follow all the political news that now pours out on a 24/7 basis across all kinds of media formats. The US is more intensely divided now than at any time I can recall in my lifetime. Seeing the non stop fighting that has only ramped up since the election of Donald Trump is truly discouraging. It seems there is no end in sight for all that.

So, for this post, I would like to put all that aside just for a few minutes. If all we ever do is focus on all that, we might miss the fact that despite all the problems and divisiveness we see around us, there is still plenty of good if we just take time to look for it. Below I am going to post two videos that (at least to me) offer hope that despite our differences, people can come together and be touched to see that we do have some things in common even while we may disagree on some issues. I hope you enjoy this little break from all the noise.

It is once again time for the State Fair of Texas held annually in Dallas. This time of year is always very nostalgic for me as I recall the many years taking my daughter to the Fair and what wonderful memories we have of those times together. When she was very young, one of her favorite shows to see at the State Fair was a dog named Skidboot (he has now passed away). 

Skidboot brought so much joy to so many people that he ended up having a career far beyond the State Fair of Texas appearing on such TV shows as Oprah and The Tonight Show. Near the end of his life, a local TV program called Texas Country Reporter did the feature just below on Skidboot and his owner David Hartwig of Quinlan, Texas. I doubt many can watch this video and not feel something good inside about people (and their best friends), so I present it here. I hope you enjoy it.

This next video arises out of terrible tragedy that happened in Dallas recently. Many may have heard about it. A young man (Botham Jean) was shot and killed by an off duty police officer in what appears to have been a horrible mistake. The officer stated that she mistook his apartment for her own after coming home from a long on duty shift. Thinking a burglar was in her own apartment, she fired twice killing Botham Jean.

This event came close to home for us. Botham recently graduated from the same university that my daughter attended so she did know him, although not as a close friend. Everyone there knew him because he had a beautiful singing voice and would sometimes lead a daily chapel service held at the school. 

The loss of such a wonderful young life is tragic and the grief of his family and friends is very real and deep. The uplifting part of this story is how that family and those friends chose to react to such a terrible tragedy and to honor his life. His funeral service in Texas was attended by hundreds of people whose lives he had touched from around the world (here is a link to that service for anyone interested - service starts around 2 hour mark)

You simply cannot watch the video linked above of his funeral service and the video just below and not be uplifted at how people can come together during very difficult times to offer hope and encouragement to one another. This is when we are at our best in my view. I think if we just take a little time now and then to Search for the Good, we can find it even in these times of great division.


This video is the candlelight vigil held by students at the university where Botham graduated He sometimes led the student body there in singing at their chapel services.


It starts with a solo voice and turns into a chorus.

A large group sings "Love (One Another)" by candlelight at a vigil for Botham Jean at Harding University in Arkansas, where the 26-year-old graduated and was known for his voice.

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