Speaking at Sveriges Riksbank’s 350th anniversary, Agustín Carstens outlines trends and cycles in central banking. |
Central banks urge wide take-up of a strategy to improve wholesale payments security. |
The Basel Committee finalises the capital treatment for qualifying securitisations, including asset-backed commercial paper. |
The gross market value of outstanding OTC derivatives fell to $11 trillion at end-2017, mainly as interest rate contracts declined. |
At a Swiss National Bank-International Monetary Fund conference, Agustín Carstens highlights the role of movements of major funding currencies’ exchange rates for global financial conditions. (0:49:00 - 1:00:00) |
More BIS publications
Publication: Implementation monitoring of PFMI: follow-up Level 3 assessment of CCPs' recovery planning, coverage of financial resources and liquidity stress testing
Most central counterparties have made progress in meeting international standards on financial risk management, liquidity and recovery, but some still lag.
Working Paper: The enduring link between demography and inflation
High shares of young and old push up inflation, while a high share of working age population lowers inflation.
Working Paper: The cross-border credit channel and lending standards surveys
Central banks’ quantitative easing policies bolstered attitudes towards bank lending, but a negative signalling effect undermined their effectiveness and sapped demand for loans. |
Derivatives came down by compressing techniques, see the notional value is still 15tr