Monday, October 12, 2020

Jim Rickards and Lyn Alden Discuss Inflation/Deflation Monetary Polices and More

One question I see over and over again that people ask is why haven't we seen hyperinflation with all the monetary stimulus and money creation in the US and around the world over the last ten years. It's a good question and the answer may be a bit more complex than many might expect. In this recent panel discussion, Lyn Alden and Jim Rickards tackle this question and offer some interesting thoughts on the answer. Below I have pasted in the video an further below a few bullet points on the full discussion which runs over an hour.

Panel Discussion on 10-5-2020

  • Inflation/Deflation Discussion
  • What causes Inflation - Not Just One Thing
  • Why are monetary policies increasingly failing to achieve their objectives?
  • Thoughts on the upcoming US elections and their Impact on markets
  • Prospects for the Gold Market with all the uncertainty ahead of us

This is a discussion I think readers here can appreciate and learn from, I recommend taking time to listen to the full discussion if possible

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